Wednesday, May 12, 2010


i think i am going to change my experiment because i don't think i will have time to do my reaction time experiment. The only time i can conduct the experiment is at lunch and as many people know during lunch i am very busy.

i was talking to my mum the other night how if i should change my experiment and she asked me why i didn't do an experiment on bread as she owns a bakery. So i followed her advice and looked for experiments relating to bread. The only thing i could find using bread is something to do with mold and i think that looks do-able and interesting.
The 2 topics that caught my eye was
How Much Longer Does It Take Bread with Preservatives to Grow Mold Than It Takes Bread without Preservatives?
Does temperature affect the growth of mold?

I'm going to do some research and come up with a decision..

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