Monday, June 14, 2010

results! results finally!

okays, well im juggling between masterchef, Breaking the Magician's Code (which is sooooo good) and Big Bang Theory and SRP. yeah. just great but it's okay, there all kinda related to science so im doing my work :D Apart from my little break i have results.

i gave up organising the pictures and also click on the images for a clearer look. i guess you can call this my raw datasheet. well it's the one i used to record my results.

if your wondering how i worked out the percentages. well all i did was some vague mystical movements then BAM! MAGIC!!!. the secret is some calculator punching and i got the idea from a previous California science fair project(which i previously mentioned before :D
what i did was i made this 1x1cm grid (shown below) and everytime i measured, i calculated how many and how much of the squares it took and i calculated the % covered in mould by dividing the amount of squares covered in mould with the total surface area of each slice (which i found varied a bit) and convert into a percentage.

and i also forgot to mention that i didn't have time to do a second trial but im going to count my trial with the dust and water as my second trial. hmmm i hope this works out
Later i'll post another table with a more organised results.

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