so this is the site
here's my little summary of it that is relevant to my experiment:
- Preservative (282) is actually calcium propianate and it is the most commonly used preservative in bread.
- it is used mostly in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia
- "Contrary to what the food industry would like you to believe, this additive is not to keep your bread fresh. Calcium propionate (282) is added to inhibit the growth of mould. There is no mould on a freshly baked loaf of bread, so why use a mould inhibitor? Bakers who keep their work benches and slicer blades clean and mould-free, by wiping with vinegar every day, do not need this additive. However, bakers in large factories prefer the less time-consuming method of "fogging" their equipment with a chemical spray. Putting hot loaves in plastic bags makes the problem worse. Preservative 282 allows for sloppy hygiene. It is for the convenience of the manufacturer not the consumer."
- propianate can have serious affects on the consumer depending on the different doses.
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